Sometimes it’s nice to learn about things that aren't straight out of a textbook or that aren't usually on our radar. I’m going to Rosh HaShanah dinner tonight with Gordon’s family and so I thought, hm – let me Google Rosh HaShanah, because besides that it’s the Jewish New Year there’s really not much more I know about this holiday. (And yes, this is me procrastinating from studying for the Series 7 exam – but at least I’m learning something new, right :/ ?!?)
Today is the Jewish holiday Rosh HaShanah, which in Hebrew literally means “first day of the year.” For those people celebrating, today is a day of examining one’s life, making amends with people who you may have hurt in the past couple months or people who hurt you, repenting for your wrongs and remembrance. We could all use a little bit of all of those things in our lives! No matter what religion you follow or beliefs you may have, think of today as a new year… for all of us it’s a new day so it is a new beginning. At the heart of this holiday is making peace with oneself & the communities one’s part of and striving to be a better person – I guarantee you’ll feel great when you rest your head tonight if you bring some of this holiday spirit into your life today…clear your head and free your heart of whatever you might be hurting from.
A Healthy Food Tradition of Today: Growing up, my next door neighbors were a lovely Orthodox Jewish family. I’d always walk over to their house after school to play. Ilanit (my childhood friend from next door) & her sisters would frequently eat apples with honey as their after school snack; at the time, I never really thought much of it, besides that it was yummy. This memory came back to me today while I was googling Rosh HaShanah and read: "...a popular observance of today’s holiday is eating apples dipped in honey – it is a symbol of wishing for a sweet New Year." When scrounging around for a snack later, try this one! Such a healthy choice to satisfy your sweet tooth =) Unfortunately there are other 'healthy' traditions observed on this holiday that not all of us are so lucky to partake in, such as taking a day off from all types of work…hmm…wouldn’t that be nice =)!
Even though we can’t all take the day off, we can take the day to reflect on how we want the rest of our year to go. If there’s something that’s been bothering you lately – face it, if there’s something you’ve been wanting to do – do it, if there’s something you’ve been wanting to change – change it. Then, reward yourself later for the hard work you’ve done & all your repentance with a nice glass of wine (or Manishchewitz)… I know I will =)
After all, good faith, food, health, family, wine and traditions are always worth celebrating!
“L’Shanah Tovah” = “May you have a good year” … and always be open to learning something new =)
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