Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Remnants of Valentine’s Day…

Talk about a healthy heart – what were you doing yesterday? Actually, the real question is…does your heart feel full today?!?

Now that the romantic dinners have been eaten, cards have been written, flowers delivered, gifts given, champagne glasses toasted…what’s left? How does your heart feel today? Are you satisfied? Regardless of how you spent yesterday’s holiday, or your personal feelings about Valentine’s Day, everyone deserves a surprise once in a while and deserves to hear “I love you.” Whether or not you think it’s a silly holiday is not the point. The point is that we all love feeling loved. And whether you’re married, dating or single, you are loved by someone.

Yes, every day we should remind those we love how special they are and how much they mean to us. But we don’t. Instead, we get tangled in life’s chaos. Our sweetheart is one thing … loving them, doing special things with them and for them, getting/giving presents for no reason, saying I love you…all of that stuff happens on a regular, if not daily, basis (and if it doesn’t, it should!) It’s not necessarily your sweetheart who needs the reminding…what about your mom, your dad, your best friend, your grandmother, your cousins, your siblings, your teachers, your grandfather, your co-workers, an old friend who you you've lost touch with...what about those people? Do you say “I love you” to them as often as you feel it?

Keeping your heart healthy will feed the rest of your senses. Knowing that you’re loved is very satisfying…so how about reciprocating by giving someone who makes you feel loved everyday a little bit of that same satisfaction. Send someone special a card today, or give them a phone call (someone who you didn’t spend last night with) just to say hi and to tell them that you love them too.

At the very least, Valentine’s Day is the reminder we all need to get us to exercise our emotions. Whatever yesterday meant for you, take something from it…get inspired to spread happiness and love today.


  1. I <3 You! & I know you <3 me!!!! :):):) xoxoxo.....

  2. Thank you Barbie! I always get so excited when you leave comments on my blog...nice to know you're enjoying them. I check yours every single day at work...I have your site on my favorite =) I LOVE YOU very very much! And, I miss you tons! <33
