Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Reading Re-Defined

Change is moving to a new city, going through a difficult break up with someone you love, a shift to a new job or change in career path, the birth of a new baby, the death of a grandfather. Change is situational. Inevitable. The norm. Transition, on the other hand, is not those events but rather a psychological self-redefinition we are forced to go through to incorporate change into our lives and to be able to cope with it. Transition starts with an ending. It has to, because in order to become something else you have to stop being what you are. To do things in a new way or feel a different attitude, you first must let go of the old way and the old attitude. As author William Bridges has taught me, letting go is the only way to begin a healthy transition process.

We’ve all experienced many "endings" throughout our lives. Think back to one that stands out. How did you handle it? Did you say good bye to everyone? Or, did you leave a day ahead of time to avoid saying your good-byes? Whether you’re someone who left early OR the person who stayed late, you tried to avoid the ending because endings are uncomfortable. Endings break continuity in our lives and take us away from what feels familiar.

Let's give ourselves a break and remember that we are only human. Our relationships, careers, homes and financial standings have their turning points just like the people that come together to form them. At our age, we constantly find ourselves in times of transition. Let yourself go through the process, because it’s natural & healthy. We must allow ourselves to accept endings so that we can embrace new beginnings.

I didn’t do much reading in college for pleasure, because I never really had the time or the desire to. But now I find reading to be very therapeutic and helpful during this transition process I am currently in. When I was a kid, stories had the power to take me out of my element & stretch my imagination, giving me the ability to pretend and believe in fairy-tales. Now, at 22 years old, books are still capable of doing that. In a world that's always changing let us take a step back and allow our mind to be a kid again. When I read my mind feels relaxed, (especially if I’m reading something that I'm interested in and NOT something I know I'll be tested on later; a story just for me.)
There is no better time than when you're in transition to let a story take you to a different place. Grant yourself the gift of time. Taking a little time out of your day for you to silence your thoughts & relax your mind is so important in order to maintain a healthy body, mind, heart and soul.

Suggested Reading: Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes” by William Bridges

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